martes, diciembre 21, 2010

Cancún: a relief? Hardly (Cancún: ¿un alivio? Difícilmente)


¡Date prisa! Los activistas de ilustran cómo se podrían llevar a
cabo las  negociaciones sobre el climaen las próximas Conferencias
de las Partes, si el no actúan ahora.
Fuente: New Internationalist
Las publiacaiones más recientes de la edición de la revista alternativa, New Internationalist contiene varios textos importantes, aquí les comparto algunos de los más interesantes:

Back to the future, a low-carbon world
What will life be like if wealthy countries reduce their greenhouse gas emissions by 80 per cent or more? George Marshall finds a trip down memory lane can teach us plenty about a low-carbon future.

Okinawans battle to close US bases
Okinawa currently hosts 75 per cent of US military facilities in Japan

The War You Don't See: Interview with John Pilger
Why do so many journalists beat the drums of war and peddle propaganda?

Cancún: a relief? Hardly
To get an idea of which countries were behaving as if there was no tomorrow (and in the process ensured that there really is no tomorrow as we know it) at COP16 was the Fossil of the Day Award. Canada swept the majority of the awards, but politely allowed other countries to get a couple of first prizes too – so Saudi Arabia got one (for trying to silence civil society), and Japan (for trying to kill the Kyoto protocol).

Para las traducciones se utilizó Google Translator.

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